Mycket bra trombon i Bb+F (med kvartsventil).
* Välj mellan medium eller stor borrning
* Klockstycke i rose brass
* 6 1/2 AL munstycke (av Bach-typ)
* Robust etui med ryggsäcksfunktion
Läs engelsk recension nedan!
"The build on the Bb is exceptional and yet the Bb/F is even better. It feels as you would expect a professional model to feel. The sound is a little more centred than the Bb. The valve has a free, quick and precise action and all the notes work well. The F side notes are great all the way down to bottom D's and the pedals below. The case has a very high specification (based upon the current Bach Stradivarius cases) and this also comes complete with rucksack straps for greater convenience. Both instruments (the JP131 too) represent excellent value for money and are ideal for the aspiring trombone player. I could get away with either of these on a Halle gig."
Andy Berryman
Principal Trombone, Halle Orchestra
Professor of Trombone, Royal Northern College of Music